BCSD台湾 introduces WBCSD Sustainable Management Tools to assist companies in developing sustainable skills and build long term resilience


发表: 2024年1月11日
类型: 新闻

台北,2023年12月27日: In a dedicated effort to assist Taiwanese companies in navigating international sustainability issues and addressing ESG-related complexities, the Taiwan Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (BCSD台湾) successfully organized a series of five workshops. With the support of the Taiwan Sustainable Finance Platform, these workshops aimed to introduce principles, 标准, 和工具给台湾的公司, 中国.

贯穿2023年第二季度至第三季度, BCSD台湾 organized for its members a series of four workshops embedding key WBCSD sustainable management tools, as well as a fifth one homing in documents/projects released by WBCSD about future sustainability trends. The selected topics spanned from 气候行动, 自然的行动, 循环经济, Risk management and Future trends to assist companies in developing sustainable skills to build long-term resilience.

来自水务署的专家, 每个主题都很专业, were invited to share insights and future work plans online in the workshops. This provided Taiwanese companies with a deeper understanding of future initiatives and engagement opportunities.

The WBCSD Sustainable Management Tools Workshops successfully engaged with more than 170 practitioners from over 90 companies. The workshops assisted companies in perceiving and better understanding the content of each tool so to further implement and acquire knowledge to evaluate and seize the sustainable risks and opportunities in business.

To further support its member companies, in the past few years BCSD台湾 has translated several WBCSD and related organizations’ publications covering various sustainable management tools and projects into Traditional Chinese. 这些都是:

此外, recordings from the five workshops are also planned to be published online, allowing more practitioners to continually access and apply WBCSD sustainable management tools.

Tony Mo, BCSD台湾 Secretary-General, commented: “Only through the overall sustainable transformation from the socio-economic can the SDGs be realized, with businesses playing a crucial role in this process. Sustainability transformation by businesses is essential to drive the broader socio-economic transitions. The management tools developed by WBCSD serve as powerful instruments to assist companies in achieving sustainability transformation.”.


As a non-profit business organization, BCSD台湾 counts among its members over seventy leading companies in Taiwan, 中国. BCSD台湾 joined the WBCSD shortly after its creation in 1997. Its goal is to help companies create a roadmap for corporate sustainability.

标签: 全球网络

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